The PTSA is hosting their annual Reflections contest. This year, the theme is "The World Would be a Better Place If..." Which dovetails rather nicely with our purposes in this class. SOOO, I encourage you to enter AND will give you extra credit if you do (just take a picture/video of your work and post it here, or if it's written, bring me a copy!)!! Details are below! :)
The deadline for the PTSA sponsored Reflections Art recognition program is Friday, 10/ 31.
Mr. Campuzano and the ASB will be supporting and promoting the program.
Hard copies of the forms and art category descriptions will be available in the Activities Office starting 9/15.
Parents can pick up forms at Back to School Night on 9/17.
Reflections Basics:
The 2014-2015 Reflections theme is:
"The World Would Be a Better Place If..."
These are the generals rules that must be followed:
1) The work must be original and created with the theme in mind.
2) The work is created and submitted by one student. Additional students can participate as actors, musicians and dancers, taking direction from the entrant/creator.
3) Pay heed to the technical requirements and physical dimensions of the work.
4) The Artistic Statement that ties the art work to the theme is VERY important.
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)