Bedbugs are leaving the home and starting to invade hospital beds, with the increasing number of pest control being called to hospitals many people are worried about how we can deal with this infestation.
Although bedbugs are not known to transmit infections their bites leave red swollen bumps that can lead to more infections.
A specialist says that bedbugs and their eggs are even harder to kill then some bacteria pollen spores, so many hospitals are cracking down.
How do you think we can rid this infestation from our homes?
Everyone should look at the fact that the hospitals are calling pest control. At least they are making this infestation top priority on their lists. If they weren't, I think then we should be worried. However, as long as we are still attempting to control it, we should be fine.
how does one even get bedbugs from not proper care of cleaning or what?
I dont know how you intitially get them but i know that if you sleep in a bed (like in a hotel) that has them that you can easily spread them to other places... So gross!! I hate bugs!!!
This must be such a heavy burden on the hospitals. I'm glad they are making an attempt of controlling the infestatio its good to know that they care so much to contact pest control instead of trying to take care of teh situaction all by themselves.