A French court opened a 1994 genocide trial against a former Rwandan intelligence chief Pascal Simbikangwa who fled Rwanda after the slaughter.The ethnic genocide killed 800,000 people, mostly ethnic Tutsis, in just 100 days. If convicted, Mr. Simbikangwa could face a life sentence.Every...
Wendy Ferris, a 47 year old cafeteria worker at King Phillip Middle School, is facing a criminal charge after she allegedly threatened to purchase an AK-47 and lay waste to the middle school where she works over a batch of cookies gone wrong. Ferris flew off the handle after a coworker re-baked some co...
McNuggets have gotten a bad rap in recent years, in large part due to a viral photo of "pink goop" or "pink slime" purported to be the main ingredient in the McDonald's product.The folks at McDonald's Canada created a video intended to refute the claims. The video begins with M...
Woman in Texas tortured and killed a mentally impaired man she lured to Texas; she is scheduled to be lethally injected Feb. 5 (Wednesday)http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/05/death-penalty-execution-texas/5227043/do you think we should still have the death penalty?-...
CVS announced today that by October, it will stop selling tobacco products in its stores to "strengthen its position as a healthcare provider." CVS is the first major chain pharmacy to take this step.http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/05/us-cvscaremark-cig...
Group 6, Week1 This article is About the People of East Jerusalem being able to build new structures in territory not owned by them, the building committee Dealing with request of private organizations to approve building permits for 386 units in Har Homa, 136 units in Neve Yakov and 36 units in Pi...
South Korea and North Korea have come to an agreement to let families that have been seperated since that Korean War (1950-1953) to meet again. This is the first time since 2010 that this will happen if it goes through. However last year North Korea backed out of an agreement like this due to accusatio...
Ukraine has recently passed an anti-protest law however protest are still active with police brutality and government intimidation. The people of Ukraine started protesting in November, the reason being they were upset over an agreement with the European Union not being signed. The average pro...
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Welcome to the EDHS Contemporary World Affairs Discussion Board! This is a site for engaged, interactive discussion and debate of what's happening in places and events around the globe! Please take a moment to review the rules of the site: * All content posted, including usernames, should be taste...
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