Mexican police officer has been suspended after a video posted on YouTube showed a man in uniform killing a crocodile with a machine gun. Local media say the crocodile posed a threat to the local population. The man is facing criminal charges and may have up to 9 years in jail for this "excess of violence".
If it was a threat it could have been scared away but not so violently killed that's wrong because it is wildlife and that was excessive violence so maybe not 9 years but he does need to be punished.
Yes, in many countries crocodiles may be killed if they pose a threat. HOWEVER, it is clearly stated in these laws that the animals are to be killed humanely as possible. Excessive use of firearms deserves punishment-as stated in the article that following the use of a machine guns, pistols were used to "finish the crocodile off"; thus proving the inhumane nature of the execution. Nine years, however does seem to be in excess. I believe that 5 years in prison is more than enough, with possibly two years probation. However, we have to remember that this occurred in Mexico, where the justice system is very different. At the end of the day this officer deserves to be charged with animal cruelty, no matter the apparent "threat" posed by the crocodile.
yes, he could have taken different courses of action, such as calling an animal control or calling for assistance from other officers, but if his only option was to remove the animal from public harm he should not have done it the way he did. There are more humane actions to solve this problem instead of using a MACHINE GUN, I don't think it requires a machine gun to put down a crocodile. His punishment is justified because the crocodile was acting in its nature and people need to be more understanding of how dangerous animals are naturally and how we need to work with them humanely and properly to protect ourselves as well as the animal.
I think that both the aspects of this case are in need of more extensive legal action. The crocodile should not have died so harshly and the shooter should not be punished so excessively for protecting himself against something he considered to be life threatening, even though his ignorance and misconduct led to a harsh and inhumane killing. The shooter should be punished for his actions, but not for 9 years of his life.
I don't think machine guns should ever be used on animals as such weapons are never needed to defend against an animal. Thus, I believe punishment needs to be enacted.
Yes I do because it's a helpless animal probably scared. He did not need to use a machine gun to help the people. He could've called for help and captured the crocodile to take it to a safer location.
He could have handled the situation better and not kill the crocodile so violently. 9 years is way too harsh of a punishment. Although he was just trying to protect himself he should still be punished
I don't think he should be convicted for too long but I do think he should be convicted. I just don't agree with treating animals like this even if it is just a crocodile.
I think that officer deserves this punishment because the way he reacted to the crocodile wasn't fair. He should have called professional animal control instead of using violence against it.