This article indicates that embellishing the truth online might actually end up implanting false memories in your brain:
To what extent do you think people enhance their own reality online (whether outright lying or simply selectively editing what they post to only put the shiniest moments out into the world)? How harmful do you think that is? Are people presently more focused on their online personas than their real ones?
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
Many people I know personally lie on social media. By utilizing programs such as Photoshop many are able to enhance and fake their appearances ultimately leading them to have false precepts about themselves.
Now, there are a lot of people that lie about their lives on social media, but I really don't that its harmful in anyway. I think that when they do this they are just trying to fill a void in their lives.
I feel like majority of people falsify their appearances and beliefs on social media, however, they also do this in real life. In general, most people attempt to hide what they do not like about themselves and their lives from the public, in order to evade judgement and criticism. I feel like this is harmful because they then base their self worth on what others think about them and end up depreciating their own personal value based on a lack of likes, retweets, and favorites. I feel like everyone is guilty of this at some point or another, including myself.
It is sad how the online world is so huge it might be replacing the real world on a level on importance. Many people do lie in both worlds, but it is easier to do it through a computer because there is no face to face contact. Creating an impressive image online might personally satisfy some, however, they are just lying to themselves and they should start making those changes in the real world. It is all about becoming an honest character and social media is just an obstacle to properly control.
I think a lot of people lie online to make themselves look and feel better. This reminds me of the show "Catfish" because they lie about their identity and people catch them in the acts.
I think people are very centered around how they appear online and how others perceive them. It's not smart for them to lie online because its just showing other people that they are liars and then no one will want to believe them or trust them.
I think online people love to front and show off things that other people would consider "cool" just to fit in . However , that may not even be something they are personally into , but they just want to follow the crowd
I personally like to be true to myself and only post what is real about me. I believe some people do like to change appearances or may not say what is the honest truth because they are not happy about who they are and they want to portray a person that they want to be. By doing this, it may boost their self -esteem and confidence, and they come to think that people will like them for the person they choose to show on social media, not their true selves.
Many people try to make themselves look better and more appealing on social media. I feel that people are more concerned about getting the most likes or retweets than telling the truth.
I think people do lie on social media. However, my peers at least do not only put the "shiny" things up. It doesnt seem like people my age are afraid to post sad things. I think this relates to a sympathy factor.