There was a terrorist attack a museum in Tunisia where 17 tourists were killed. Security forces managed to kill 2 of the attackers. The North African Prime minister calls the attack "cowardly" and that it "mainly targeted the economy of Tunisia."
It wasn't a smart thing to say publicly because this could just spark another attack. He should have been thinking of the future and effects that could happen from his comment.
Calling someone a coward has never helped in a situation and may just anger them enough to do something else. I think terrorists will definitely get offended.
I think that the Prime Minister had the right to say this because of what the terrorists had done to their country. I don't think that we should live in fear of the what terrorists might do if we say how we feel about their actions.
I think the Prime Minister shouldn't have made such comments but I don't really think the comments will actually change anything. Terrorists are used to their attacks being labeled cowardly and they just respond by planning another attack.