More than 3,400 people have died in West Africa due to the outbreak of the deadly virus, Ebola. A Liberian man by the name of Thomas Eric Duncan traveled to the U.S. and became the first case of Ebola diagnosed on American soil. Six days after this news, President Obama announced the U.S. is planning measures to screen incoming air passangers for the virus.
Do you believe screening incoming air passengers is a good idea to keep the virus from spreading?
Do you think all the money and rescources being used to conduct these screenings will be worth it to the united states, or should the U.S. just yield commercial air travel to the seriously infected nations?
Screening passengers from incoming flights to the U.S. will help prevent further Ebola outbreaks on American soil. Screening will help catch infected civilians and allow us to either fly them home or contain them from the rest of the susceptible population. It is worth the extra costs. We can not allow flights to yield to this deadly virus. Countries in Africa are depending on airline business to sustain their economies and receive supplies. Suspending international flights would only worsen the issue. The best thing we can do is to implement these screenings - regardless of the costs.
Screening is only one measure I would take when it comes to ebola. I feel that it would be in the best interest of everyone in the US to stop all air travel to any place that has a high rate of ebola.
Keeping anyone with Ebola off of planes would keep it from spreading to the U.S. that way. But, how much would it cost to do that? And, how long would it take? It would keep the people without Ebola on the plane safe, as long as it is picked up in the screening. I believe the screening would need to be 100% accurate for it to be worth not closing down flights to and from anywhere seriously infected.
I think that something must be done. the spread of Ebola in america has said to be unlikely, but it is still not a risk we should be willing to take. If screening passengers is the only thing we can do right now, at least we are doing that.
Just recently on the news a story about a man claiming to have Ebola was shown. not only did this scare many people, but they had to test him and make sure everything was actually okay. if they were to do these screenings, this would be less likely to occur.
i think this is the only way to keep american safe. If you travel out of country then i feel like you should accept the fact that you are getting screened.
Screening for Ebola is a great idea, and the U.S. is making great attempts to contain the virus, but sometimes screening can be a little pointless. According to the article, people are having their temperatures checked and they are being screened for symptoms. The problem with that is symptoms of Ebola don't show up until a few days after coming into contact with it, so you have no way of telling people they have the virus until they actually have the symptoms of it. Screening for symptoms is pointless in that sense. I think the U.S. is better off yielding commercial air travel to the infected nations even if it messes a lot of the airports up. It's a safer thing to do.
The government should sought out ways to protect its citizens especially from a disease that has killed many people. If it somehow hurts our economy because its to expensive, it still should not matter. Theses are potential lives that can be lose here on American soil. I say let the government do what they are supposed to do on this issue.
the screening would need to be 100% accurate for it to be worth not closing down flights to and from anywhere infected with this. If not 100% then yes, cancel the flights.
I think screening incoming air passengers is a good idea because we should prevent this disease as much as we can. I think the state could afford this because if more and more people are getting this disease it would be expensive as well to prevent the spreading. Ebola is becoming more and more serious and it's spreading all over the world and I think it's definitely worth the money.
I believe that screening incoming air travelers is a good idea since we are concerned with containing ebola. If we didn't, the virus could spread even more within our nation's borders. While the money could be used in the nations already infected, I think the U.S. should consider America's health first in the threat of Ebola from spreading. Every prevention method helps, so if air travel security takes a little bit longer, oh well. It's better than dying from Ebola.