Last Wednesday a ferry sank off the coast of South Korea. At least 87 have died and 215 are missing. Many believe due to the captain's inaction it lead to the death of all of those people.
do you think the Captain did the right thing? Should he be blamed for this?
I do not think that the Captain did the right thing, however i do not agree with the news and media placing blame on him. It is a known precedent that the Captain is either last one off the ship or goes down with it. Every Captain should know this when entering the field of work, however they do not give it much attention due to the likeliness of the actual event being low. I don't think him staying wouldn't have made THAT much of a difference, but no I am not backing up his actions. The ship sunk regardless, not because of the Captain leaving the ship before passengers. This is unfortunate, but not anything to blame the Captain for.
I do not really know what to think on this subject. The captain might have done his best to try to save everyone and they still would have gone missing and died or he could have just done nothing which still lead to the missing people and deaths. There is really not enough information given for me to have an opinion on this.
I agree with John they don't give enough information on the captain's actions. He probably feels guilty enough without the news pinning this on him. I think the news shouldn't blame anyone without proper evidence.
I don't think there was enough information to truly tell if the captain actually tried to save his passengers but failed or if he really didn't do anything at all to help.
There is not enough information on the captain's actions so blaming him should not be in the question. I'm pretty sure he tried helping, but there isn't enough information.
No the captain did not do the right thing he's supposed to be the last person off the ship not the 1st. His inaction to evacuate everyone cause at least 87 people to lose their lives.
While the captain screwed up, the South Korean government is at bigger fault than the captain. The captain legitimately made sure that he was able to get off the ship safetly before anyone else by making an announcement not to move which according to many cruise ship experts, the absolute worst thing to do in a sinking ship because of the fact that when a ship is sinking, the passengers should make all efforts to go to evac zones asap. Even then, the government screwed up. First off, the government gave false statistics about the number of deaths and missing starting from the first day and falsified reports of helping those the ship. For example, the government made a statement that on the first day, approximately 500 divers and Korean Navy Seals were on the site trying to help the ship and that the government sent 50 or so ships (not exact numbers but this is around the numbers they sent) to the sinking area 30 minutes after the first request for help. First off, the fact that it took 30 minutes to get ships to the area after a request for help is incredibly ridiculous and is a slow response time. Second, only 30 ships came in the first 10 hours to the site rather than 50 ships in a half a hour, half the 30 ships being tiny fishing boats. The fact that a first world country would make lies like this is very shameful and the fact that civilians were putting more effort than the government to help the victims is pathetic as well. The South Korean governments earlier reports said that this was a North Korean attack at first which is even more ridiculous for Jindo Island (the nearest island to the accident) is south of the Korean mainland and would make a North Korean attack idea very laughable. Later, so many more South Korean news agencies which are controlled by the government (all news agencies in Korea North and South are heavily monitored by the government so claiming that South Korea supports free speech is to a huge extent, a laughable joke despite the fact that this country is democratic), made false statements about the accident and it got to the point in which some reporters were having their live interviews sabotaged by passerby people. The government even refused help for a US Navy Carrier which was only 12 kilometers from the accident site when the first report came and could get there in a few minutes. In conclusion, the captain screwed up a lot, but the real culprit is the South Korean government for their inefficiency and their incredibly shameful lies.
it was an accident and yes the captain shouldve had a better hand on the situation but not all the blame should be laid on him im sure there was a mechanical failure or a flaw in the structure of the ship too
Based on what the media has told me, I feel that was his fault as a captain of the ship. He ship was his to lead, which he failed to do. He was involved in a PSA talking about how traveling by ship is safer than any other commute,as long as you follow the captain and crews direction and order. this then comes to bite him when those who survived did not listen to his directions, and those who did, are either dead or still missing. His orders were to evacuate, but only after he said to wait because of rescue boats on their way in ten minutes, which was too long of a wait.
After reading the article, I believe that the captain should be held responsible for the sinking of the ship but he should not be severly punished. He obviously did not purposely try to make the ship sink or those passengers die, but he was selfish to leave with others left behind.
Its had to say because they didn't give a lot of information about what he captain had done but the news should no be blaming it on him if it was just an accident.
I don't think the captain did the right thing as a captain but imagine if you were in his position. I would be freaking out and just wanting to get myself to safety. Its in our blood humans are naturally selfish. I don't think they should blame him cause cause he lived and some people didn't.