"Africa is making strides toward becoming more Internet-friendly. But while it covers 6 percent of the Earth's total surface area and 20 percent of the total land area, it represents only 7 percent of the globe's total Internet users a market currently dominated by Asia."
What do you think about Africa using the internet and using more technology?
I think the internet could open many doors for people in Africa. It could help with schooling and contacting people outside of their remote area. This is a positive step for Africa and hopefully the internet will continue to expand there.
As megative as the internet can be the increased use of it in Africa can probably benefit them in numerous ways which is great...kind of reminds of this cool thing they have at Google headquarters in San Francisco, they have a projection of the globe and it rotates and it shows a light point for every 1000 people that log onto Google in an area, it's really cool getting to see how people all across the globe are on the internet even if it's super late r super early for them...
The Freakonomics blog (I am a BIG FAN of this. And it's a freeeeeeeeee Kindle subscription, or freely available at freakonomics.org) had a bit this week about "Who Runs the Internet?" that has some data pertinent to this topic:
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)