What was the best part of last week/your weekend? Or the worst? Anything awesometastic happen that you'd like to share?!
Best part of my week was meeting all of you and all the rest of my new students - I spend the whole summer wondering what you'll be like, so it's fab to get to finally meet you, and I always love thinking about all of the adventures and discussions we'll have together as the year unfolds :).
I spent the weekend immersed in MiniCavdom in the best kind of way - three soccer games on Saturday and Lucy's Brownie troop rededication yesterday afternoon. Loved seeing all three Minis play with ferocious intensity - and my six-year-old son took a shot on goal that he kicked over the goalie's head :). Unfortunately, it fell short of the goal, but it's the first time he's been able to do it, so that was super fun to see. And watching him play in grass that I was afraid we'd lose him in (not sure the Linda Vista fields have been mowed anytime this decade) was just a little humor bonus on top :).
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
My favorite part of the weekend was going to the Aloha Dance with my friends. And hanging out with my amazing grandmother Sunday. I'm very glad last week is over, it was to stressful and crazy. And excited for this week!
The worst part of my weekend is how I lost my voice after the football game Friday night. The best part of it was when my band recorded yesterday from 10am to 8pm. We're going to release a demo on Facebook when we're done mixing levels and converting it to the correct formats, but we also have to get everything Copyrighted before we release anything to the public
The best part of my weekend was simply relaxing and going to the Aloha Dance. It was really fun getting to meet up with my friends and of course, dance! Overall, I had a pretty great weekend!