In 2001, an american father sent his kids, 2 sons to go to New York to visit thier Egyptian mother, his ex- wife, over the weekend, but he ended up not seeing them or hearing from them for 12 years. Their mother had illegally taken them to her home country of Egypt without consulting witht he father first.
Did the mother have a right to take her kids on a vacation? Would it make a difference if the wvacation only lasted a couple days to a maximum of a couple weeks? What do you think about the fact that she took them and hasn't, and doesn't intend to bring them back after 12 years? Do you think the kids have any desrires to see thier father? Now they would be young teenagers.
Wow. That's got to be all kinds of illegal. I'm not even sure why the mom took them back; what was there to gain from breaking the law and leaving the US?
The mother had no right to abduct her kids. The father has a right to see his kids, and unless he states that it's fine for her to do this, she has no right to do so.
She had no right to do this, it sounds like the father had most of the custody in this situation there for, the "trip" wasent for safty so there is no way this should be allowed/.
I agree with everyone's opinions already on here. She had no right to take the children; it actually sounds like kidnapping, which is obviously illegal. She should be forced to bring the children back & should be tried in an American court.
I think we also have to think about the father, not now but at the time of the kidnapping. I think he should've been more aware of what his kids were doing even though the were with thier mother, they obviously didn;t get along for whatever reason and are not together anymore and he should be more cautious.