The manipulations of Anakin Skywalker, also known as Darth Vader in the "Star Wars" saga, have long been ascribed to the Dark Side of the Force. Now, psychiatrists suggests that the actions of the Jedi Knight could be used in teaching about a real-life mental illness.
A letter to the editor in the journal Psychiatry Research explores just what is wrong with Vader. French researchers posit that Vader exhibits six out of the nine criteria for borderline personality disorder. Unstable moods, interpersonal relationships, and behaviors are all characteristics of this condition, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health. It affects 2 percent of adults, mostly young women.
The young Anakin Skywalker was separated from his mother at an early age, and his father was absent, factors that could have contributed to borderline personality disorder. His "infantile illusions of omnipotence" and "dysfunctional experiences of self and others" are also indicative of this condition from an early age.
Im not a big star wars fan or nothing but this is kinda funny, but dang its just a movie, i highly doubt when the directors made this that they meant to have a subliminal message of a disorder,...ahh psychiatrists and there antics(;
I don't think I have ever seen an entire Star Wars movie all the way through. I think I have watched at least a half hour of all of them...they bore me I guess.
Star Wars is awesome. I love my dad for introducing it to me when I was little. Anyways, it's interesting, this disorder and no, I don't believe I have this.
Star Wars is pretty dankskies and i think it's underrated by our age group (understandably). This article is funny for sure, and no I don't have Vaderitis