I perfer to talk on the phone cuz many times its alot faster than texting a whole bunch of stuff. If its something quick and your busy texting is always good. I text all the time but i like phone calls better
I think that it depends. If i want to have a conversation with someone then I'll talk to them on the phone. But if i just want a quick answer to something or if I am busy then I will text.
It depends on what it is about. If I have a good story to share, I would rather talk on the phone or in person, but if it is just something casual, I prefer texting.
i love both!!!!!! its alot more convinient to text because you can talk to more than one person at the same time. But i also love when my boy calls me each night just to talk. I LOVE to talk no matter how im doing it so i do both, sometimes at the same time hahaha
I don't like talking on the phone very much because I'm basically a telemarketer at work. Txting is just whatever. I do what works best for the situation
I like texting when I have a yes or no answer or if I need to remind someone of something. Most times I talk on the phone because that's the easiest way for me to covey my message!
I like both. with friends i usually just text until i see them in person but with like my dad i text him and then we always call to talk for at least once a day cuz i dont get to see him.
it depends what i want to say if i have to tell someone a long story i will call them, although i will admit i have send a 10 pg text to someone but thats all, i text for small talk convos.
Hard question. I prefer talking on the phone if you just want the information right now and I like hearing their voice. But I text if its for something small that they can get back to me whenever they'd like and because it is easier to text when you are busy.
Well i text most of the time and i like it alil bit better i text mostly becasue it is a habit and it is easier to get in contact with someone because they more than likely text more than call nad if ur busy or with someone and u dont want them to hear your converstation it will be easier to text
It all depends for me... I text when I'm watching tv or am trying to pay attention to something else..
I'll call someone if I really want to talk to them, and if I have time for a good conversation. If I try to text my parents to let them know where I'm going to be or if I'm just checking in I'll text them, but if they don't reply, I'll call them.
It depends on the situation im in if I'm busy than I rather just text someone or if I just need to ask someone something really quickly I'll just text them. If I want to have a long conversation I rather just talk on the phone...
I dont prefer texting over calling. its just more convinient. i do love to text though, it keeps you busy. the one thing i dont like about texting though is that its hard to tell someones tone of voice when they say something. i always get mixed up with that. its hard to tell if you're being funny or sarcastic. i dont know, thats just me.