Doctors Baffled, Intrigued by Girl Who Doesn't Age
Years Pass, but Brooke Greenberg Remains a Toddler. No One Can Explain How or Why.
By BOB BROWN June 23, 2009
Brooke Greenberg is the size of an infant, with the mental capacity of a toddler.
She turned 16 in January.
"Why doesn't she age?" Howard Greenberg, 52, asked of his daughter. "Is she the fountain of youth?"
Such questions are why scientists are fascinated by Brooke. Among the many documented instances of children who fail to grow or develop in some way, Brooke's case may be unique, according to her doctor, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine pediatrician Lawrence Pakula, in Baltimore.
"Many of the best-known names in medicine, in their experience ... had not seen anyone who matched up to Brooke," Pakula said. "She is always a surprise."
QUESTION: How would you react to this "young lady" if introduced to as being a 16 year old and not a toddler as her exterior presents?
Would you be amazed? frightened? curious?
Abbey Garcia
"Wait for the wisest of all counselors, Time.... [It] is the king of all men, he is their parent and their grave, and gives them what he will and not what they crave." - Pericles
I would probably find it impossible to believe that this girl was 16 if anybody attempted to introduce me to her and convince me otherwise. I would be frightened if this were my child!
It would be very interesting knowing that she is my age and she is in my grade but she is really like a 9 month old baby. Just knowing that is kind of creepy but yet really cool at the same time. If they didn't say she was 16 years old I really would not know the difference just like they said. I f I saw her in a store and they said she was 16 I think I would probably be a little freaked out HAHA! :)
Joseph Amato :-)
During your liftime you'll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, thats the weight of
THATS SO AMAZING!!!!! I cant believe a 16 year old girl still looks/acts like a toddler. Has she discovered the fountain of youth? Jk...but i really hope they find an explanation for this because I find it extremely intriguing.