Even though this is one of my articles, I wanted to know what you guys think:
Egypt slaughtering all pigs to stop swine flu
CAIRO The Egyptian government says it has begun slaughtering all pigs in the country as a precautionary measure against the possible spread of swine flu.
The Health Ministry says the slaughter of the country's 300,000 pigs will begin immediately.
The ministry has stated several times that there are no cases swine flu in the country, however neighboring Israel has reported two.
Do you really think it's even worth it to kill all the pigs in Egypt, considering this is approaching the level of a Pandemic? Even if it's known that it's originating in Mexico, is this a little drastic (considering that almost everyone who has it has been to Mexico recently, or associated with someone who's been there)?
i think this whole thing is just a media hype and frenzy. i dont watch the news and i dont want to buy into this whole thing. a few years ago it was the anthrax scare. its always something but people never learn to just move on with their lives. people spend so much time trying to "stay alive" that they forget about actually living. its just silly i think
i agree completely. sure it is good to be cautious and careful with something like this, since it is resulting in death in some cases, but that doesnt mean we have to have to go crazy and kill all pigs and take ridiculous drastic measures
I guess they're going to change the name of Swine Flu to some H something something something virus because of incidents like this. It isn't the pigs fault.
This is absolutely rediculous!! They have gone way too far with this.
monica vellanoweth v(o_o)v
"First you take the grahm. You put the chocolate on the grahm. Then you roast a mallow. When the mallows' flammin', you stick it on the chocolate. Then you top with the other side."
This is overracting no matter how you put it, there even changing the name now because it almost has nothing to do with pigs.
"The WHO, meanwhile, says it will now call the virus influenza A (H1N1) rather than swine flu - which it says is misleading as pork meat is safe and the virus is being transmitted from human to human."
it's useless because swine flu isn't being spread through pigs at the moment. right now the bigger problem is PEOPLE spreading it. wash your hands, avoid people who seem sick. that's it.
i think it's being made into a much bigger deal than it is. i think it is scary, and i am scared too, don't wanna get sick. but slaughtering all the pigs is going too far. so is freaking out the second someone sneezes or coughs.
i agree that more precautions should be taken such as washing our hands more often and stuff, but some of this is just WAY too extreme. including this story.
I completely agree with jaymie! i mean..yes people have died from it. but more people are dying from basic flu and not swine flu as lauren said. there is always something people turn into a huge deal.
I completely agree with jaymie! i mean..yes people have died from it. but more people are dying from basic flu and not swine flu as lauren said. there is always something people turn into a huge deal.
I also want to point out the 286 people in mexico are "suspected" to have died from the swine flu or H1N1 Influenza A. There are only 13 confirmed deaths and 483 confirmed cases.
the whole swine flu thing is the same as the bird flu, its all just media hype and hysteria. For Egypt to immediately slaughter 300,000 pigs without even a confirmed case of swine flu in their country is pretty short sighted.
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
the Daily Show, for sure. I think probably the Colbert Report, too, but the Daily Show episode was more like an epic-sode - he dipped one of those Jimmy Dean pancake-wrapped-around-sausages in the Baconaise :)
it was feb 26 or 27, methinks, if you want to look it up :)
-- Edited by MrsCavalluzzi on Friday 1st of May 2009 07:14:26 PM
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
i dont think its right what they are doing to the pigs....because they say there scared of getting the swine flu when its not even in there area because it originated in mexico and i heard on the news that they say they found out that it might not even come from pigs so..
I beleive slaughting the pigs in Egypt to be unesessary and rediculous. Killing off pigs will not solve this epidemic of swine flu! First off the swine flu originated in Mexico. Mexico is unable to provide clean water and affordable medicine vacinations that will cure the flu, therefore resulting in the deaths. In the other states WE CAN afford these vacines and WE DO have clean water, therefore our society is less likley to die from the swine flu.
that is so so so beat. eww. i would never eat that baconaise stuff. but i agree with most everyone..you dont have to take such an extreme and go killing all the pigs just because of this swine flu. bacon is nasty anyways.