is this a valid and important lawsuit? does anyone really believe that drinks like this are some wondersource of their necessary vitamins, minerals, triple antioxidants, and just overall the liquid formula for good health?
should anything with "water" in the name that actually contains a substantial number of calories have to more prominently display that fact?
Vitamin Water Making Deceptive Health Claims?
The Center for Science in the Public Interest has slapped a lawsuit on Coca-Cola, maker of VitaminWater drinks, calling its marketing claims unsubstantiated and deceptive. Coca-Cola's retort called the suit "ridiculous." As further finger-pointing plays out, how should consumers decipher punchy buzzwords like "triple antioxidants" and "definitely au natural" on some of the bottles' labels? Katherine Hobson, U.S.News's OnFitness blogger, helps you make sense of VitaminWater's nutrition labels.
In other food news, Hobson blogs about author Barry Popkin's explanation of why the world is fat. An interesting tidbit from his new book, The World Is Fat: The average American gets 400 calories a day from beverages. A 20-ounce bottle of VitaminWater, notes Hobson, packs 125 calories.
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
i dont drink vitamin water for vitamins and if people wanted to drink water and vitamins maybe they should get a bottle of water and take a trip to GNC and get some actual vitamins. BUNCHA WHINERS
i love vitamin water, so ha. i do it for the vitamins and the flaaaavour ahaha it actually kept me from getting sick and then like, 3 days after i stopped drinking it i got a gnarly cold wah wah
regular water is better for you...the best thing for you. i think its all a scam with the vitamins and what not. vitamin water tastes like poop club, anyways.
i think that if you really want vitamins and are looking for them when you drink a vitamin water you wouldnt be buying the vitamin water if you were all about the correct vitamins. most people drink vitamin water cause it tastes good. stick to the natural stuff...go water!
I honestly believe that Vitamin Water is not helpful at all. It's a ridiculous amount of calories that you don't even know you're drinking. The only good things about Vitamin Water are the funny little paragraphs on the wrappers. Ha