lots and lots of people - everyone from will.i.am to the Legoland master builders - are getting ready for the inauguration in lots of different ways (you should definitely check out the top link, at least!):
Kids at D.C. universities (there are quite a few- Georgetown, George Washington, American, etc.) are renting out their dorm rooms for as much as $800 per night!!
We, of course, will be here at school, and hopefully will be able to watch (Mr. Switzer, master of all things tech- and video-related is trying to stream the footage through the Hawk Talk cable feed, and obviously we can hopefully get a feed online, too, except for the minor problem that the rest of the world will be trying to watch the same thing at the same time). The ceremony is scheduled to take place at noon our time, which is right in the middle of the first period final.
Is this an event for which our school (or any other U.S. school) should stop and pause to watch? Anytime a new POTUS is inaugurated or this time because of its historic nature or never at all?
-- Edited by MrsCavalluzzi at 18:54, 2009-01-16
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
i agree with chris i think its an important part to our history and also believe it should be atleast a half day, especially when something ground breaking like having the first black president is being inaugurated.