since we're so near the end of our time together :(, it seems opportune to do some reflection on this inaugural semester of CWA.
any feedback? your favorite topics? stuff you loved? stuff you hated? other stuff we should do in the course? would you take another similar course in college (lots of schools have global issues classes)
THANKS TO YOU for such a great semester - I will alway remember you guys as the ones who got this long-awaited elective off to such a great start and provided so many fabulous topics for discussion, all the way from Beyonce/Sasha Fierce to soccer witchcraft to the election.
As you journey onward, keep up your knowledge - read the newspaper, subscribe to a weekly newsmag, at least surf online for some current articles. You are inheriting a global world, to be sure, and you will best contribute if you are INFORMED. And get involved - I know lots of you think that it's not our government's place to solve the world's problems, but it is ALWAYS appropriate for PEOPLE to involve themselves in being agents of positive change!!!
You guys rock like Patrick's favorite band of 2008, Ubernational Mechanico Steamboat :). Have fun in Religions!! :)cav
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
I really enjoyed this class. I would definitely consider taking a class like this in college. But I think there should be different task to do during the semester, I can't think of any myself, but I sure others can. It got a little repetitive towards the end. The class has a solid foundation though, and this website a great idea.
i really like this class, it keeps you invovled in the world around you, and it makes you take a second look at it. kinda helps keep you aware of how lucky we are to live where we do. probably one of my favorite classes
Yeah this class was alot of fun, and helped me learn alot about forgien affairs that are happening in the world today, that could have an effect on me. I will be deffinatly be looking for a class like this in college, i wouldn't pass up an oppurtunity like this. It also opened up the door to different oppinions and different peoples views and i think that was a big help to, to understand your classmates.
ha i am gonna be straight any topic that instigated some controversy such as prop 8, the election candidates, abortion, education plans, immigration, or healthcare
however i couldnt pinpoint one topic specifically that i particularly enjoyed because every topic we discussed was incredibly interesting
i loved our class discussions plus the boards
however i did not particularly enjoy the roundtables although i can see why they are necessary in the course
as far as anything else that can be done in the course make it a whole year long
maybe throw in a field trip? to like political rally or a museum or city hall i dont know
something compelling
perhaps we could do some environmental stuff too like volunteer a day to go clean the beach
if theres one thing i learned from this class the condition of your surroundings is only a reflection of ones own knowlege get educated become aware and do something to help
i will be taking a class similar to this in college :D
"I have nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion" -Jack Kerouac
this elective should be offered at other schools. its one of the most useful classes and helps to educate students on whats really going on in the world today. the fact that we have our own web site is super cool. i am really going to miss this class :( my favorite topics were the off topic ones like the movie blogs. that was just fun. i liked our heated debates in class on controversial topics like prop 8 and the death penalty. I think we definitely proved that the abortion topic is morally controversial and will never ever be settled. there is no other class that lets you voice your opinion on such a level. im not sure if i would take a course like this in college just because it would probably not have such a relaxed enviroment as we do and more cut throat students who will get so angry if you dont agree all the time. this class definitely helped me understand politics and the recent election alot more than i would have if i was not in this class. i think this elective also pushes and informs kids enough to make them want to help out in the world and make a change for the better.
The board was definitely a fantastic idea. But I have to agree with Robert, it started to get repititive, even though there were some interesting things that came out of it.
I did enjoy this class a lot, and because I did, it stopped me from switching out of another class that would cause myself to drop this class.
Favorite Albums of 2008: 1. In Rainbows 2. Alopecia 3. Međ suđ í eyrum... 4. Narrow Stairs 5. Visiter
i had a great sememster in this class. i really enjoyed it. and i agree with drew that the board was a fantastic idea. i also enjoyed out class discussions, especially on hot topics such as prop 8 and education and so forth.
This was definitely my favorite class of the year. Although I think at some length there were pointless debates on the boards, I thought that most of our topics were relevant to understanding what is really going on in the world today. But, come on, Voodoo Soccer?! That is not even debatable? Obviously, That guy should have not messed with that other guy, and practiced his magic somewhere else.
P.S.-Mrs. Cav did you see them at the Honda Center? They played almost as well as The Flashcube Avengers.
P.S.-Mrs. Cav did you see them at the Honda Center? They played almost as well as The Flashcube Avengers.
-- Edited by MrsCavalluzzi at 18:55, 2009-01-16
nope, I saw them at Staples when they opened for Wonderific Wombat Physicality - we had backstage passes and everything
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
hmm mixed feelings i definately enjoyed this class because it actually kinda got me thinking inside of school as opposed to on my own time but i think we were all really defensive and judgemental with each others points of views and i agree it did start to get a little repetive with the topics but i guess theres only so much you can talk about? or have views on i dont know and im not sure if i would take a class like this in college because ive already gotten into the habit of reading up on the current issues and i dont know i just dont think i need a class for that. but it was a good semester.. :)
-- Edited by LauraHernandez17 at 18:59, 2009-01-16
I really did enjoy this class. I was fascinated with everyones opinions. It was nice to see some people in my senior class as individuals. I would have loved to have more class discussions. And something I always wanted to happen, i could have asked, is when something ws going on in the world that everyone has heard about because of the news, for example the attack on Gaza, I would have loved to been educated about it.