The discussion last week about the fake firearm film fracas reminded me of this article about "Packing in Public" - openly carrying guns - that I read in the LA Times over the summer:
Is it a wise idea for people to openly tote their guns about or is that too Wild West-y?
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
i think its one of those things where people will feel intimidated (not in a good way) and the more violent people will want a challenge. i'm just not a fan of guns, at all. and i agree with katie, lets not carry them.
I believe in some parts of the country it is understandable that people want to show off their weapons for sport, and i believe this is fine as long as the person is in a desegnated area for hunting or sporting. I don't believe it is necessary to wander about town with a rifle or even a pistol. There are places for guns, but i don't believe it those places should be on the streets and in towns.
I'm uncomfortable with that. I don't like guns and I don't think they should be carried around in public, especially out in the open. True, some people are just expressing their second amendment rights but honestly, some people are dangerous. I know the NRA is all for this. But guns are dangerous, make people uncomfortable, and can cause death if in the wrong hands. I know if (I know this is not happening) I was at Disneyland and I saw some guy with a gun on him, I would freak out. As would most people. Bad idea. People get fired up sometimes, I'd rather have us punching each other than having the capacity to shoot each other.
i think the only people aloud to have guns in public, are cops, and people who work for the government. shoot i know i don't want to see people walking down the street, we a gun in their hand. i also think that people have a right to have a weapon, but keep it in your home please.
If you are a responsible gun owner with a permit than I have no problem with them having a gun with them. But I don't think everyone should be out and about displaying their guns for everyone to see. What's the point? Only bad things will happen if everyone starts to carry their guns with them.
The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet. -Aristotle
i personally don't like guns but i understand why people carry them so i think carrying a fire arm is ok as long as it's lisensed.
I want to tear a big hole in what is to be, To end all this infatuation with unity, I'm seeking my salvation alone again, I never needed to be one of you anyway