And, how do you think that Liberty's actions will impact the election? (given that Virginia usually goes Republican, is currently a swing state, has been trending Obama in recent polls, and most Liberty students, faculty, and administrators, are likely to be McCain supporters?)
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
i think that is a great opportunity to get younger Americans to rock that voting booth! more power to you if you can get the consent of the entire governed, and get everyone's voice out there, rather than just some people's
I believe that Liberty University is doing the right thing to promote voting, and do believe that more schools should support voting and to get the youth involved with their future. And no matter which way the majority of the student population votes, it will still give the youth a voice. This college could have a bit of an impact on the vote depending on how many students they impact and if any other colleges are impacting their students in such a way, we will just have to find out!
I think anytime more people in the country (register to) vote is a good thing. Also, I doubt Liberty University will swing the election and thats probably just wishful thinking by the college's administration.
i think its awesome that colleges encuorage their students to vote. indifference is one of the major flaws in democracy and influence is the only means to sway the apathetic nature of the US citizens young people in particular
i agree with charlie in that i doubt liberty university will swing the election however that doesnt mean they shouldnt keep on trying to get people vote
"I have nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion" -Jack Kerouac
I think this is a good way because a lot of people follow the lead of their peers, and if the college is getting a good chunk of the students motivated, then it wil create more people to vote.. i think young people need to vote more.. but a lot dont. so i think this is definitely a good thing...
Students should be self-motivated to vote. If they dont care enough to vote than that is fine, it just means that their voice doesnt deserve to be heard.