Accusations that a soccer player was using witchcraft sparked a riot in Eastern Congo on Sunday. The majority of the victims were between 11 and 16. They wre suffocated when panicked crowds ran to the exits during the mayhem. Police tried to contol the violence by firing into the air after their commander was hit in the head and wounded by fans. This backfired when the crowd panicked after hearing gun shots and all tried to leave at once. 13 people died.
i thnk that if both teams believe in the witchcraft, that it will create a false feeling of supeiority for the team performing these rituals, and that would give them a confidence boost, but nothing necessarily unfair towards the other team. And if I were a police commander i wouldnt fire my weapon in the air, i would do something more along the lines of trying to contain the crowd through a megaphone or something of that nature before resorting to warning shots and such.
okkkkkk witchcraft isnt realll bud only for the ignorant and unintelligent sports comes down to skilll not how many snakes you can sacrafice in your locker before a game
and i dont know what i would do if i were the police commander im fairly certain though that i would not have fired my weapon maybe i would have ordered a perimeter around the crowd...contain them where the were...and subdue any aggressor
if the line were broken i would then start firing warning shots...
"I have nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion" -Jack Kerouac
Let me tell you, they aren't the only team using witchcraft, it's everywhere, and everyone is doing it. Why do you think John Terry slipped when attempting a game-winning penalty shot in the UEFA Cup last year against Manchester United? The rain and the unsettled soil? I think not...
I don't know what I would have done as a police officer in that situation. I'm not trained to handle something like that. But I am smart enough to know that firing in the air is going to cause a panic.
hahaha. wow. personal i don't think that witchcraft is real, and therefore it wouldn't give athletes an unfair advantage.
i would have probaly done the opposite, i wounln't have shot in to the air to scary the life out of people. i would have made people leave in a calmly mannar, and make it descret as possible.
umm i highly doubt that witchcraft, being that its not real, couldnt give a team any sort of advantage. If anything it may confused a team, which may lead to a slight advantage lol.
And if i were the police commander i probably would have assed the situation before firing a weapon into the air causing more chaos...
Not much for the Police commander to do when you are outnumbered by a crowd of terrified sports fans. Anything i can think of would be ineffectual, if not possibly make things worse. But i surely wouldn't start making loud noises with my shiny, mystical weapon.
I definetly do not believe in witch so I do not think it gives athletes an unfair advantage.
I definetly would have not shot my gun u in the air.. That is probably the last thing I would do seeing as it would scary everybody. I would try and have everybody exit as quickly but organized as possible.
I like the last question :) Yes, I do think witchcraft gives professional ahtletes an unfair advantage. But to look this way - if they are professionals - why should they use witchcraft? aren't they good enough?
Well, and african police is far off from having it organized, so everybody agrees, of course, that they did the wrong thing... they should've done as jessmontano had said.
Jeremy Neff, I love your reply.. I agree 100%. But, if he were to do something more subtle, would anyone even take notice? I don't know, I think he just shot his gun because he didn't know what to do!
Oh and the witchcraft part...hahaha it would be unfair, if only it was REAL!
haha, witchcraft is definately an unfair advantage. unless of course it is a game of quidditch (harry potter)
and I think firing into the air when there is already chaos going on only elevated the panic of the crowd. bad choice. As far as what would I do? Well, what can you do with a panicing crowd other than try to get all of them out safely?
actually Janell, using magic during a game of quidditch is not allowed. ha, not that that really matters. As for as using witchcraft during a game, I say go ahead. I guess you could argue that it could give an unfair advantage like supernatural strength or maybe even heat vision would would increase your chance of winning. But if so, then praying to God could also give you an unfair advantage. If you have the creator of the universe and master of time and space on your side then your opponent has no chance of winning.
I think it should be allowed, in some places such as austrailia there are people who believe in witchcraft and practice it, and if it is their belief that it works let em do it! I don't see why or how this would cause an uprising, maybe i am just not that into soccer, but thats just me : ).
How would you have handled this situation if you were the police commander? I probably wouldn't of fired my gun in the air. Do you think that using witchcraft gives professional athletes an unfair advantage? HAHA
what about using the Impervius charm to repel the water from Harry's glasses? (per the Quidditch magic issue)?
should teams have to have a witchcraft accords prior to the game? if both teams practice sorcery, than all's fair, but if only one does, then no magic allowed?
this is a hilarious discussion :)
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
no i think it's ok to use witchcraft. it's understandable if you're losing or just really want to win:] if i were the police commander the last thing i would do is fire my gun into the air. the police should have known it would cause havoc...
uhh ok everyone seems to agree on the same thing and are posting the same responses. if those teams really do believe in witchraft then id say to them its not very fair just play the sport right. haha this is ridiculous.
I do not believe in witchcraft, and I think such beliefs create problems that should not exist. I mean 13 innocent people died a horrible death because of silly superstitions? Psh. That's not cool.
they would say the same thing about christianity or any of our religions sabrina, what makes our beliefs so much better? besides, our religions have sparked plenty of these violent outbreaks, so i ask again, what makes our religions so much better than their beliefs in witchcraft?
The 13 casualties could definatly have been prevented. The fact is that the practice of witchcraft makes you believe in these sorts of things. And if your not a believer in such things.. its nonsense.. for real