Misha Di Bono gets $500 a month and free gas for turning her car into a mobile billboard. She works for jobing.com and agreed to cover her car in decals to advertise the website. There's no limit to how much gas they'll pay for her. Jobing.com isn't the only website/company that offers this deal. Would you turn your car into a rolling billboard to get free gas?
absolutely gases prices may be going down at the moment but i believe that the worst still to come. however i dont know if i would advertise something embarassing like a calvin klein ad or something along those lines
"I have nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion" -Jack Kerouac
yes i would definatly do this, you could save hundreds or thoudsands of dollars throughout a year doing so, and to just have your car advertise some company is easy. your pretty much getting free gas to drive around.
I suppose I would, thats actually not a bad idea. With the fluctuation of gas prices, I wouldn't mind driving around in a silly car. I should probably get in on this.
i think its the most absurd thing i have heard in a VERY long time, but if those companies are willing to pay these ridiculous prices, then absolutely, i would do that, especially with my junker car!
A few years ago, students at Pepperdine and USC got free tuition to turn THEMSELVES into mobile billboards for credit card companies - they wore the T-shirts every day, placed decals for the companies on their surfboards, etc. Would you take THAT deal?! :)
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
i would do the car thing and the college thing! free gas! free tuition! it's like a dream come true and people already know that i'm crazy, what's a few more weird looks?
I would definetly do that to my car. But it would have to be for a company that I like. I wouldn't do it for jobing.com cause that looks ugly but maybe another company.
i just got a new car, and yes its nice and wouldn't want to ruin it for a label, however like bob barker put it- "IF the price is right" so in turn what I'm saying is YES i would do it in a second!
$500 a month AND free gas? There is nothing better! (especially when you have to pay for gas yourself now, like i do). I could really care less what my car looked like if i was getting payed for it.
I would also wear shirts and be a walking advertisement myself in order to get free tuition. That is awesome.
If I had like a Pinto or something, then I would totally go for this. Also, if I had a truck or a car with terrible mileage or something, then I would do this. But if I had a really nice car that I liked alot, then I would definitely hesitate before I went for this deal.
I would most definitely do this because you could be getting $500 dollars a month just to drive your car with free gas, and also have a job on the side. Once you get more money you could get a better car anyways. And yes i would also take the advertising myself offer :]
i fursure would turn my car into a drivving billboard...anything for free gass money! and 500$ a month could be of great help in the time period we are living in today.
oh of course i would. i don't care what gas prices are, free gas is always a good thing. and it's not like an embarrassing ad either. i don't really care what i drive at this point.
I would definitely do the car thing and the college tuition deal. Then I wouldn't have to pay for t-shirts, saving while making money. That's Warren Buffet status.
Given the current financial climate, credit card companies may not be in a position to offer deals like this anymore. but maybe you can work something out with Obama...as Emily told us today, he's got lots of cash :)
Lego, Cav (the Lego brand name was derived from the Danish expression "leg godt" - play well - and lego also translates in Latin as "I study" or "I put together"...really, one of the world's most perfect words!)
If I were offered this opportunity I would snatch it up in a heart beat. Who cars if it looks dumb, the benefits easily out weigh the looks. Some people have taken this a step further and turned their own bodies into walking advertisements. This lady received $10,000 to tattoo a websites name on her face.