An international war of words has broken out over a New Zealand pop star's chart-topping single, after an American blogger labeled the track racist."Royals," the debut single by Lorde, the stage name of Ella Yelich-O'Connor, currently sits above hits from Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus at...
The British Columbia Coroners Service said investigators found a spoon with drug residue and a used hypodermic needle in the hotel room where "Glee" actor Cory Monteith was found dead in July Monteith had checked into the hotel on July 6 and when he didn't check out as expected on July 13, h...
A video published by Democratic Congressman Chris Van Hollen, of Maryland, has revealed that House Republicans made a small last-minute change to House rules -- a change blocking a potential option that could have been taken to avoid the federal government shutdown in its entirety. The video show...
The announcement that the Nobel Peace Prize would go to chemical weapons campaigners was met with a mix of schadenfreude and indifference in the Pakistani town where Malala Yousafzai lived and almost died. Many residents of Mingora, in the heart of the Swat Valley, feared a win for the schoolgirls h...
Top government leaders are minutes away from a meeting called by President Obama wherein he hopes a deal can be reached to avert a debt default on Thursday. The word is also that a number of Senators have been working behind the scenes to negotiate compromise options. Do you think these efforts will b...
Americas news netowork CNN made an embarrassing mistake of putting Hong Kong in South America on their picture. The picture was used to illustrate a news story on Chinas outbreak of deadly Hornets. what do you think of news stations posting news carelessly? 'MERICA
Hong Kong (CNN) -- The body of a Hungarian daredevil "wingsuit flier" has been found a day after he plunged into a remote valley in northwestern China during a practice flight ahead of the World Championships.Rescuers discovered Victor Kovats with a smashed skull at the foot of a 100-me...
The woman holding the photograph is the mother of kenneth Bae, a U.S. citizen who was arrested in North Korea last November. His mother visited him on July 3rd, 2013.
On thursday three British organizations filed a legal challenge in the European Court of Human Rights. They want the court to declare the collection of data, including emails and social media messages, in secret programs revealed by the American intelligence analyst Edward J. Snowden to be an il...
Our very own Hawk Talk crew would like to do a story on Malala (the Palestinian girl we watched yesterday who was shot in the head for having the audacity to try and attend school). They are looking for a few students to appear in the piece sharing their thoughts and reactions. I know that quite a few of yo...
MEMBERS of the African Union will meet today to discuss recent calls by some African leaders to withdraw from the International Criminal Court. These calls must be resisted. The continent has suffered the consequences of unaccountable governance for too long to disown the protections offered by...
Brave kayaker Ben Marr goes with the flow as he paddles down a drainage ditch in Canada reaching speeds of over 30 miles per hour. The terrifying helmet camera footage shows the canoe sliding along a trickle of water and grinding against the concrete drainage structure as it heads towards a reservoir...
Pearson runs a super easy "Thank a Teacher" website: British students can fill out a little online form and they'll send a postcard to that teacher telling them they're awesometastic.Unfortunately, I can't find a similar American...
Any compilation of the world's most dangerous terrorists is a hazardous undertaking, a shifting list that's open to endless debate. Do you guys think that society is targeting the Middle East because of what is going on in Syria right now? Or do you think that America has this vendetta against the Mid...
Weekly story: Obama vs. Boehner: Government shutdown, debt limit stalemate continuesEight days into the government shutdown, President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, on Tuesday dug their heels further into their respective positions, insisting the other side has to budge firs...
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