Well, things got a little hotter than these guys could handle in a tokyo adult video theatre on Oct. 1, when a man who was considered "attempting suicide" set fire to the theatre, killing at least 15 people. The man was put under arrest for arson and attempted murder.
Do you think this was th...
Scientists in Austrailia, concerned about their amount of greenhouse gas that is released in the atmosphere, are giving an offbeat suggestion to how to reduce the amount of these gases that are released. The suggestion, is to eat more Kangaroo meat, and less cattle and sheep. When any of these anima...
Islamists began demolishing an old Roman Catholic church in southern Somalia on Tuesday to replace it with a mosque, and vowed to do the same with all other non-Muslim places of worship they find in the area. Tuesday's demolition was scheduled to coincide with the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr, whic...
Off the east coast of canada, more than expected amounts of oil spills have occured. The amount of oil spills is 6 times higher than it was predicted to be. This is said to effect the environment dramatically since the amount of spills has far exceeded the prediction and now this is pollution the...
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,430584,00.html an art exhibit displaying "disturbing images of Iraq bombings and Baghdad's notorious Abu Ghraib prison" was recently taken down in new york. the museum claims that it glorifies terror. the exhibit is called the dialects of te...
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081002/ap_on_re_eu/eu_russia_putin;_ylt=AuhF4kRIx5zvE24iXKb7EGp0bBAFRussian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin accused Ukraine on Thursday of sending weapons and military personnel to help Georgia during its war with Russia. The...
Joe Biden and Sarah Palin face off in the one and only Vice Presidential debate tomorrow night at Washington University in St. Louis. The debate will be moderated by Gwen Ifill of PBS, who previously moderated the 2004 VP debate, and will cover both domestic and foreign policy issues. Prediction...
A six-year probe has not ruled out the possibility that Iran may be running clandestine nuclear programs. The European Union has urged Iran to fully cooperate with a U.N. probe. Iran has been asked to "implement all transparency measures ... required to build confidence in the exclusively pe...
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